What is the Future of Remote Work?

The future of remote work is likely to continue growing and becoming more common. Many companies have realized the benefits of allowing employees to work remotely, such as increased productivity and lower costs. Additionally, advancements in technology have made remote work more feasible and accessible than ever before. However, there are also potential downsides to remote work, such as the difficulty of maintaining a work-life balance and the potential for isolation. Overall, it seems that remote work will become an increasingly important part of the modern workforce.

What is Zuri Chat?

Zuri Chat is a hybrid of Slack and Discord. Hybrid supercar. It is a cross app that helps remote teams with their day-to-day operations. It includes a music room for streaming music with colleagues, project management tools, chess games, a holiday calendar, and other features.

It also includes a DAO feature for organizations that use the app, with the goal of designing a workflow for autonomous task and issue creation, approval, and completion.

As a Product Designer, I worked alongside other designers, developers, researchers, and product managers.

This was a very exciting project.

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